ramblings of english

Do I dare disturb the universe?

  • Beginning again

    Hello world!

    Through a series of unfortunate events, the original site was deleted. There are back ups, but finding them is a bigger task than I want to tackle at this moment. Perhaps some day, but for now, it will just restart. I’ll be working on starting on rebuilding the site and posting thoughts again more consistently.

    The world is a little bit on edge, and simultaneously my personal life is pretty extra. I need a space again to process through more thoughts than a journal can fit.

    Much of the site was originally created in the early 2000s (over 20 years ago. Time is a traitor.) when I was in a Masters program and the USA was still in the earlier days of what would be 20 plus years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. As the USA and the world are facing strongmen* leaders and are on the precipice much destruction and death, and I’m still in the beginning years of being married (who would have thought?), having the site starting again is nice.

    I keep thinking of ideas to examine and now there is a place to think.

    Please do join in the examination, if you would like. Discussions will be open. Comments that dismiss the existence of people will be removed unceremoniously. Kindness and empathy guide the practice here.